Obtaining a debt consolidation loan can be a good way to help pay off your creditors and improve your credit ratings, which eventually lead to debt elimination. Understand that once consolidating your debts you still have to repay the consolidation loan. If you don’t want to find yourself filing for bankruptcy be sure to plan your monthly budget wisely and avoid rapidly building credit card debt.

The Risk Involved In Secured Debt Consolidation Loans

If you own an asset you can use it as collateral and apply for a secured debt consolidation loan. You will be offered lower rates than an unsecured loan. Your bad credit ratings have some effect on the interest so if you can improve your credit before applying for the loan you are on the best track. Due to the fact that you are using, for example, your house as collateral, you are in the risk of it being repossessed if you are found to be bankrupt. Avoid this by paying back the monthly loan payments and spend money only on things you need.

Once You Have the Cash Pay Off the High Interest Debt

So you’ve successfully obtained a debt consolidation loan with your bad credit ratings and the time has come to pay off your debts. Experts recommend paying of the high interest debt first! After all they are most likely the payments that cost you the most in the long run, debts like; Credit card payments, personal loans and the like.

Borrowing Enough Money to Pay Off all Your Debts

If you are hesitating about how much money to borrow, first calculate how much is the sum you owe. Borrow that amount and a bit extra just incase. There is no use in borrowing less than you owe. The basic idea or a debt consolidation loan is to merge your debts into one main loan thus dealing with one repayment. Make sure to get rid of any extra credit cards. One, maximum 2 per household is enough! If you find it isn’t enough than reduce your expenses. Remember to make sure that your income is enough to cover the repayment of the consolidated loan and any other expenses you may have. If you treat this carelessly you will find yourself eventually filing for bankruptcy. Information about debt consolidation with a bad credit score, can be found online.

Compare equity options for the best home equity loans interest rates. You may want to find online mortgage refinancing loans information for more debt relief options.
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If you’re in debt in Australia and are considering bankruptcy, then a concern might be the so called ‘Stigma of Bankruptcy’. These days it’s really hardly an issue.

Also, bankruptcy is not a last resort, to be avoided at all costs.

If a person’s got what to them is overwhelming debt, and they’ve tried to get on top of it, but can’t, then declaring themselves bankrupt is a very practicable and sensible step to take. Mostly, it enables a person to get out of debt and so give themselves the chance to start again, to get back on their feet, and so be able to get on with their lives.

The ‘Stigma of Bankruptcy’ is an old fashioned term. It probably was to be avoided at all costs back in days gone by, but its rarely an issue ttoday.

Back in the ‘Stigma of Bankruptcy’ days banks in Australia were strict and conservative with their lending practices. You at least had to have a face to face interview with a Loans Officer.

In those days people who went bankrupt were mostly in business. It was pretty obvious when a business suddenly closed down that something had happened. Everybody knew, people talked, the shame of the ‘Stigma of Bankruptcy’ hung low in the air.

These days the banks have changed things. Loans are made over the internet and telephone. Pre approved offers of loans come in the post. The lenders have simply changed the rules and the risks.

Ordinary people now go bankrupt. In the year ended 30th June 2007 there were 25,242 bankruptcies in Australia, and of that number only 4,821 of them were business related bankruptcies. The rest were ordinary people.

Over the last 5 years to 30th June 2007 111,176 people have gone bankrupt ( www.itsa.gov.au and there click About us, then click Statistics)

Some of these 111,176 people may live in your street. They may sit next to on the bus or tram or train going to work, they may be some of the people that you know at work, and through work. If you knew, you’d be surprised to find who has gone bankrupt.

Chances are that you’d know more than one of them. Did you first suspect that they may have gone bankrupt because you noticed the ‘Stigma of Bankruptcy’?

Also, of these 111,176 who were declared bankrupt in those 5 years, did you read about any of them in the newspapers? Every day now just check the Public Notices section and you’ll see what I mean. Bankruptcy is very private, the newspapers will not be the source of a person’s ‘Stigma of Bankruptcy’ fears.

You wont have seen it on television either, unless it was somebody high profile, and newsworthy.

The people who will know that you’ve gone bankrupt are the people that you owe the money too. Your bankruptcy trustee will tell them, you don’t have to.

Your local bank may not be told. The return address for credit card statements are a GPO box somewhere?

If a person goes bankrupt I think that the real ‘Stigma of Bankruptcy’ is with the people owed the money. It now seems that it’s the banks etc who don’t want to be caught with the stigma of having to report to their shareholders and so to the public at large, including their competitors and peers, that the management has lost some of it’s shareholders’ money by lending it to people who couldn’t pay it back.

If a person goes bankrupt, then unless they’ve got something of value that their bankruptcy trustee would be allowed to sell (and there are some restrictions on a trustee here as there are a lot of things that he can’t touch) then the creditors mostly won’t get paid much, if anything.

If a person goes bankrupt, then for the next 3 years they can earn a minimum weekly net take home pay of $758.80 (current at 1st January 2008) that’s after tax and child support, and if applicable, business expenses, before the trustee can claim any of this income.

The $758.80 base figure increases is adjusted twice a year and is more if the bankrupt has dependants. If the bankrupt earns more than the base amounts, (known as the Threshhold) , then they can keep half of whatever amount goes over the Threshhold amount, as well as the minimum $758.80 or whatever it is that applies to them.

A bankrupt’s weekly allowable income is not likely to cause any stress or stigma during the (usual) 3 years of bankruptcy.

The ‘Stigma of Bankruptcy’ will be felt by a bankrupt’s creditors, the banks and others.

As a person falls behind in paying their loans and credit cards and other debts, after a few months they start to look a bit shaky from a debt collection point of view.

A widespread practice now is that some cases the creditors on-sell these possible bad debts to companies willing to buy them, at a big big discount on what is owed. Its then up to the buyer to collect payment, and as far as I am aware, when they do they keep it all.

In this way it seems that the banks etc don’t have to report the sale of these debts at a loss as bad debts. Saves face, saves a bit of Stigma.

It’s the buyers of these debts, who are now second hand debt salesmen, who have to cope with a loss if they don’t get paid because the debtor goes bankrupt.

So that they don’t lose of their money, and carry the stigma associated with knowing that their gamble has lost, the debt collection tactics of these second hand debt salesmen can be very aggressive.

They wrongly claim that bankruptcy is the last resort, and they seem to rabbit on and on a bit about at the ‘Stigma of Bankruptcy’. But it’s hardly an issue.

A person is generally bankrupt for 3 years, and their credit rating is damaged for 7 years. Overwhelmingly, for most people, going bankrupt does not affect their employment in any way.

Overwhelmingly, being bankrupt does not mean that you cannot travel overseas in the 3 year period of your bankruptcy. You simply have to seek the written permission of your bankruptcy trustee. Again, in modern times, very little stigma is suffered by the bankrupt.

If you’ve tried and tried but for some reason you just can’t pay your debts, then through bankruptcy, the government has given everybody the chance to get out of debt, to start again, to get back on their feet, and so be able to get on with their lives.

The ‘Stigma of Bankruptcy’ is hardly an issue.

Fred Appleton is a retired former Chartered Accountant. For more than 10 years Fred has specialised in helping people understand and deal with bankruptcy, but from the point of view of the person owing the money. Having been through bankruptcy, Fred knows first hand about the issues and challenges. Since starting his business he has helped thousands of people sort out their debt problems. Fred may be able to help you stop the harassment and telephone calls. From what people have told Fred, over the years, he is certain that bankruptcy can save lives and marriages too. Fred Appleton – Bankruptcy saves lives
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In recent years, the rate of filed bankruptcies has been closely tracked. From the recent high in 2005 of bankruptcy filing, the year 2006 represented a significant drop in the reported number of filings, but after the end of 2006, the rate of bankruptcy filing has started to increase again.

One of the factors for this may be the new bankruptcy ruling laws that requires consumers to attending financial management and credit counseling sessions before they can file bankruptcy. But since that law was put into effect, numerous studies have shown clearly that such counseling does little good for the consumer. The big problem with this law is that it makes the assumption that the consumer who is filing bankruptcy is doing so out of excessive financial mismanagement or credit abuse. Anyone who has spent any amount of time studying the underlying causes for why someone would file bankruptcy can tell you, almost after a casual glance, that this is not the case at all with the majority of consumers who file bankruptcy.

The studies bear this fact out. In fact, out of more than 400,000 consumers that were counseled via these mandatory classes before filing bankruptcy, more than 95% of them continued their bankruptcy filing after completing the classes. The biggest problem here is that by the time a consumer is in a situation to need to file bankruptcy, they have typically exhausted all other viable options, and it is too late to make any significant difference for almost all of them.

The following can be considered early warning signs of possible future bankruptcy that consumers should be aware of:No/little savings cushion

Most consumers in the US have little or no savings to rely on in case of an expected huge necessary expense. Most Americans spend more than they earn, and they finance their greater lifestyle on credit cards and borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. Although saving is hard, a shift needs to occur in the minds of most consumers about putting a higher emphasis on savings instead of always “living for today”.Consistently living paycheck to paycheck

Many people say they do not enjoy it but find themselves living from paycheck to paycheck, such that when something happens to prevent that next paycheck from showing up, like a job layoff, they are already in deep sneakers. Some reports have indicated that more than 60% of Americans are in this situation.Higher than 20% non-mortgage debt to income ratio

If you are spending more than 20% of your net income to pay your credit cards and financial obligations outside of your mortgage, this is a problem, and a warning sign that financial troubles could be near.Always making only minimum payments on credit cards

Almost half of all people who have credit cards carry a balance forward from month to month. If you pay only the minimum payment due each month, it will take you three or more times as long to pay off the balance, even if you don’t charge anything more to the card. Inadequate insurance

Many people consider insurance to be a ripoff – until they need it. Many bankruptcies are due to very high cost of medical treatments or car accidents, where the consumer was inadequately insured to allow the insurance company to carry the burden of the majority of the expense.

If you find yourself in these situations, you should take action to straighten things out so that you do not become the next bankruptcy statistic. In addition, consider your alternatives to bankruptcy such as personal loans or debt consolidation, which offer some financial breathing room without the long-term negative effects of bankruptcy.

For more insights and additional information about <a href="http://www.bankruptcy-data.com” rel=”nofollow”>Bankruprcy Information and to get a free bankruptcy evaluation from an attorney local to you, please visit our web site at http://www.bankruptcy-data.com
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If you – or your child – has a Wedding Day coming up no doubt it has probably had a very negative effect on your bank balance. Or perhaps you have even taken out a personal loan.
With research showing that the average wedding now costs around £14,000 (the equivalent of a 10% deposit on a £140,000 home) many couples are starting married life with an unnecessarily huge debt around their necks.
However, there are ways that you can get the wedding of your dreams – without breaking the bank.
For example, simple but effective ways to save money on wedding costs include:
• Dispensing with a photographer and placing disposable cameras on tables at the reception so that the guests can capture those special moments. Or, use digital cameras. That way you can limit the amount of pictures that you have to take while making them easy to reproduce. Digital camera technology can make even an amateur take professional looking pictures. These prints can even later be used to create thank you cards after the event that are personalised and show the guests and/or the bridal party.
• Serving the meals buffet style, asking people to forego wedding gifts in favour of bringing a dish
• Decorating the reception venue yourself using readily available items such as white Christmas lights weaved through plants or candles and candle holders – items that can easily be bought in pound shops
• Not paying for extras like waiters/waitresses, bartenders etc. but asking friends or family members to do it instead as a wedding gift to you
• Using local high school and college bands to get much cheaper prices if you want a live band. If it’s a DJ you want, you can find good amateur DJ’s at local events or even by word of mouth
By using a bit of imagination – and getting people to help – you could save yourself a fortune on your big day, meaning you can start married life with a healthier bank balance.

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Alisdair Fawcett writes for rebuild.org, for debt consolidation loans and debt relief
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