While Congress busily tries to hammer out some kind of health care reform, their efforts will be too little, too late for many Americans. Some of the most appalling news to come out of all the health reform talk is the way medical bills can break a family financially. Relatively recently, in 1981, only eight percent of bankruptcies came about as a direct result of medical bills. By 2001, more than half of the country’s personal bankruptcies had illness and onerous medical bills at their root. Since then, bankruptcies triggered by medical debt have increased 50 percent.

Unfortunately, it’s not enough to have a good job and good insurance. Of those who declared bankruptcy due to medical debt, more than 75 percent were insured at the beginning of the bankrupting illness. High deductibles, co-pays, and loopholes over what may or may not be covered cause the out-of-pocket expenses to skyrocket when an illness is serious. Additionally, when the primary wage earner is unable to work, both the family’s income and job-based health insurance can be lost just when they are most necessary.

The currently growing group struggling to meet medical bills consists of seniors. A variety of factors come into play, and our sluggish economy isn’t helping. Some people have been forced into retirement earlier than expected, while others are finding their retirement investment returns dwindling.

Perhaps these severe problems with our nation’s health care will be addressed and resolved, perhaps not. In the meantime, what should people be doing? Your illness and your medical bills won’t wait until the thousand-page health care reform bill wends its way through Congress. If you’re already facing mounds of debt, if you’re finding it impossible to pay your mortgage and meet your bill deadlines, it may be time to consult a Phoenix bankruptcy lawyer.

Don’t wait until your utilities are cut off or your home goes into foreclosure. Definitely don’t wait until a family member is forced to go without necessary medical care. Instead, explore your options with an expert. A Phoenix Chapter 13 bankruptcy can allow you to keep your home and your automobile while restructuring your debt. Phoenix bankruptcy attorneys are versed specifically in both federal and Arizona bankruptcy laws and can advise you on proper action to take now.

Until true reform comes through, you may need an expert like that in your corner.

Elle Wood loves to share with her readers interesting news regarding Healthcare. For additional information on Phoenix Bankruptcy Lawyer please visit http://www.daultlaw.com

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