With business still not picking up, especially to small businesses, it is not a surprise to see business owners wanting an OIC with IRS. This business owner could be deep in debt besides to IRS. That even if he sold his business, it would not break-even to settle tax debts. This business owner may just be praying right now for a tax debt relief.

Bankruptcy, whether personal or business, can be used as a reason to ask for tax relief from IRS. For a business, showing financial and income statements proves how badly in shape the business is in. And that paying for tax debts at this point is simply impossible. IRS in turn will consider this and might allow a business owner for a tax relief.

The settlement could mean that this taxpayer will still pay the tax debts but the amount is reduced. It can be that any penalties will be abated, but the taxpayer has to pay the full amount in staggered payments. Alternatively, tax debts can be totally wiped out if the situation of the business really merits it.

Technicalities on how long the tax debt has to will, however, hinder tax payers’ hope for a tax debt relief. Because according to tax codes, tax debts unpaid for three years must be paid full before tax relief is granted. And the very recent tax debts and penalties are ones subjected to legal proceedings. That is to consider the said debts for a tax debt relief.

While the business owner cannot also use tax debt relief as a means to escape from paying for local taxes. It is because local tax debts cannot be included in the declaration of bankruptcy. Instead, this must have paid in full before business income tax debts can reach a settlement.

There is much other tax debt payment that bankrupt business owner settles before finally availing tax relief. Compliance of the business owners is demanded by IRS, lest no tax debt relief will ever be granted. In other words, bankruptcy cannot be relied solely as a way to escape paying for taxes. It is because there are non negotiable tax debts that must be settled first.


I have done a bit of research for you. Tax Settlement Experts can help you get the relief you deserve. Find out if you qualify for a tax debt settlement today.

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